1. An Atlas of Cyberspace | |
Totally fascinating graphic representations of the internet and www |
2. Astrodienst Atlas Database | |
Astrology firm ... but has a great interactive gazeteer of 256,536 places |
3. CIA World Factbook 1997 | |
Maps and statistics for every country from the Central Intelligence Agency |
4. Coastline Extractor -- coastline, river, and boundary vector data in 4 formats | |
USGS service packages 1:5M, 1:2M, 1:250K, 1:70K data by lat-lon windows |
5. Subway Navigator | |
Route instructions and maps for about 100 subway systems worldwide (also in French) |
6. Frank Hoffman's Virtual Atlas | |
Consultant's pages from Dresden (under construction: click on the lat-lon link) |
7. Gemeindekarten | |
Java client thematic map of Kanton Zurich by Adrian Herzog |
8. Mapquest Virtual Atlas and Routefinder | |
Street Atlas for U.S., Europe and perhaps elsewhere, most comprehensive on web for U.S. |
9. Maps On Us | |
A (U.S.) mapping, route-finding & directory service (registration required) |
10. MIT & MassGIS Digital Orthophoto Project | |
Browser for orthophoto quads covering state of Massachusetts USA |
11. Microsoft Terraserver | |
1.04 TBytes of semi-seamless clickable aerial imagery for certain countries |
12. Swiss Institute of Cartography -- Interactive Atlas of Switzerland | |
13. Make-a-Map | |
World and regional maps served from the GMT package with a handy Perl/CGI interface; GIF & PostScript output |
Geoffrey Dutton February 26, 1999