Geoffrey Dutton Spatial Effects 20 Payson Road Belmont MA 02478 USA T/F 1-617-489-4524
Geocoding is the process of assigning unique identifiers to specific geographical features or locations. Following an introduction to geocodes and issues involved in their consistency and interoperability, the notion of constructing geocodes from spatial coordinates is discussed, describing both planar and spheroidal approaches. Relative advantages of the latter lead to the conclusion that unprojected (geographical) coordinates provide the best basis for constructing universal identifiers for many types of spatial data. In doing so, utilizing a hierarchical (nested) grid has many advantages, but direct use of latitudes and longitudes is regarded as problematic because of grid cell areal variations and degenerations. Following an introduction to discrete global grid systems, a polyhedral approach to identifying locations using hierarchical triangular cells which addresses these problems is described. Its structure and encoding details are summarized and illustrated with several worked examples. A new algorithm for determining neighboring geocodes of a given hierarchical location identifier is then presented. Suggestions for incorporating semantic content into such location identifiers are given, enabling hierarchical geocodes to describe the nature as well as the locations of features. Requirements for spatial indexing are briefly discussed, including handling the indexing of both points and extended features. It is concluded that the potential utility for global hierarchical geocoding is great, and that technical obstacles to implementing data transfer standards to accommodate such an approach are readily solvable, although quite pervasive; most difficult to overcome will be a great diversity of traditions, conventions and attitudes that affect feature identification schemes throughout the world.
A number of systems are used to identify parcels in the land data files currently maintained by governmental units. While each of these identifier systems may be adequate for a given governmental department, the existence of several noncoordinated systems often prevents the widespread use of the land data. Therefore, to ensure data coordination and facilitate multiple use of data files in the cadastre, each parcel should be identified by a unique number.NRC (1980), p. 60.
The need to identify parcels and other geographic entities for computer processing of geospatial data has long been recognized. Progress in developing land information systems (LIS) and geographic information systems (GIS) would have been impossible without systematic attention to cataloging such information, a task generally referred to as geocoding. Geocoding has many facets, but chiefly is the process of assigning unique identifiers to specific geographical features or locations. Examples of geocodes include census codes, postal zones, parcel identifiers, benchmark identifiers, political unit identifiers, road routes and mileposts. Many geographic features have common names, but names are often duplicated and can have confusing variants, and thus do not serve well as geocodes for digital geospatial data. In general, geocodes are assigned by fiat (usually be government agencies), and consequently a given feature can have different identifiers when referenced by different organizations in overlapping jurisdictions. Even when a common nomenclature is used, dictionaries and thesauri are required to define universes within which feature and location identifiers are assigned, validated and interpreted. However, even the most definitive small-area location identifiers (such as FIPS and postal codes) are not universal, being at most national in scope. This paper describes an approach to overcome many of these limitations and the difficulties they engender for geoprocessing.
Zieman (1976. p 47) describes some desired properties of geocodes:
Geocodes ... are location indices and enable the determination of spatial or positional relationships among entities. A location identifier should provide precise and unique location, define both point locations and areas, be continuous over broad areas, be suitable for statistical sampling, be convenient for preparation and reference to various maps, relate mathematically to the surface of the earth, and, therefore, utilize rectangular coordinates. (emphasis added).
Zieman's perspective is pursued in this paper, which, however, rejects the contention that rectangular coordinates (Cartesian projections) are necessary for geocoding. As has been advocated for many years (Moyer and Fisher 1973) a geocode can be derived from the coordinates of a geographic point on or in a feature by hashing, interleaving or other methods; this has been proposed for creating parcel identifiers in land information systems. However, unless based on latitudes and longitudes or globally, systematically constructed using standardized projections and zones, such geocodes may not be unique. If they encode projected coordinates, knowledge of projection parameters may be needed in order to relate such geocodes to other objects and locations. However, geocodes based on locations have many potential advantages, if well implemented:
Geocodes derived from spherical coordinates based on a geocentric ellipsoidal datum in principle can be made to be uniform and unique across the globe. The reference grid can have any topology, as long as it is reasonably regular and complete. If the grid permits nesting, a spatial hierarchy can be defined within it that enables geocoding to specific resolutions, virtually without limit. This also helps them to accommodate various sizes of features. Also, because a geocode can be mapped to a definite area on the earth's surface, it can be used to sort stored spatial observations to index them for storage and retrieval. The final point means that codebooks and metadata (such as enumerate FIPS identifiers) may not be needed to describe the universe to which a geocode belongs (e.g., the counties of the U.S.). However, this assumes that the data user already knows what that universe is. This too can be conveyed using qualified (metadata-enriched) hierarchical geocodes, as is described subsequently.
The most obvious and established way to grid a planet (hierarchically or not) is to use quadrilaterals defined by intersecting meridians and parallels. While there is no difficulty in establishing such pseudo-rectangular grids, results are sub-optimal in several respects:
Although area inequalities can be corrected by using appropriately projected coordinates (Chen and Tobler 1986), this usually creates major shape distortions in higher latitudes by tearing apart and stretching the globe. A triangular mesh, such as is described below, avoids gross distortions of size and shape (but never completely eliminates them) and has no singular points (e.g., North and South poles).
Changes in area occupied by geographic quadrilaterals can be significant. Figure 1 shows the degeneration of area with latitude characteristic of square grids (using a 10° grid here), shown by the blue curve. A triangular grid of similar resolution (11.25°), shown as the red curve, has greater cell area closer to the poles, but the overall change in size is considerably less. Moving between 0° and 80°, quadrilateral grid cell area decreases by a factor of 12, while triangular grid cell area increases by a factor of 1.5. Thus variation in cell area is more than 800% greater for quadrilaterals than for triangles. The particular triangular grid used in this comparison is the Octahedral Quaternary Triangular Mesh, described below. Other triangulations of the globe are possible which exhibit even less areal variation (e.g., Lee and Samet 1998), but are more complicated to construct and utilize. It should be underscored that global tessellations can achieve complete areal equality only when performed on equal-area planar projections. |
Figure 1: Comparison of mesh cell areas |
Various approaches have been developed for tessellating a planet, most of which are designed to serve a specific purpose. One well-known effort for indexing geospatial data (Chen and Tobler 1986) divides a projected world map (in authalic coordinates) into hierarchically contained square cells using quadtree area indexing (Samet 1990). This yields easily-manipulated facets of equal area (thus its plot in figure 1 would be a horizontal line), but as mentioned above manifests considerable shape distortions, and a singularity at each pole. Using authalic or any other rectangular coordinate system to organize a hierarchical rectangular grid has these and other drawbacks, as various authors have pointed out (Goodchild and Shirin 1991; Dutton 1998; Sahr and White 1998), and will not be further considered below.
A general term for regular subdivision of a planet is a discrete global grid systems (DGGS). Sahr and White (1998) define a DGGS as a series of non-overlapping areal cells that completely partition a sphere topological equivalent. The cells may be triangles, quadrilaterals, hexagons or other simple polygons, and may include just one or more than one type of polygon. The series of grids that define a given DGGS can have hierarchical relations that may (like conventional quadtrees) or may not (like hexagon grids) be completely nested. Most DDGS implementations root the grids in one of the five platonic polyhedra (tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedorn) that is oriented to the planet in a specified way. Edges of cells at levels below the root polyhedron may follow great circles or not, and the shapes and areas of these cells will vary in certain well-defined ways according to the form of subdivision (White et. al. 1992). The irregularities are inescapable (no polyhedron beyond 20 faces can have completely uniform subdivisions) but can be engineered to minimize certain distortions at the expense of other less important ones.
Given the choices available for root polyhedra, cell geometries, grid topologies and cell hierarchies, a great many DGGSs are possible, far too many to discuss here (but see overviews in White et al. 1992 and Sahr and White 1998). There is no "best" DGGS, just as there is no "best" map projection; one's choice depends on the needs of the application. Thus different DGGSs tend to be advanced for spatial indexing than for discrete simulations or for environmental sampling, to give some examples. Sahr and White (1998) give four design choices that creators of DGGSs based on platonic polyhedra must always consider:
Note that even though there are only five platonic solids, they can be truncated and intersected to create semi-regular base polyhedra. For example, an cube can be truncated to become a cubeoctahedron (six squares and eight triangles), an icosahedron truncated to create a solid with 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons, and a cube and octahedron can be intersected to form a rhombic dodecahedron (12 rhombi). Given any such base shape, it must be given a well defined orientation to the planet, which can place vertices, edges or face centers at the poles, or similarly along the equator; the more faces the base shape has, the more orientation possibilities exist. A method of subdivision then needs to be specified that allows the polygons on the base shape to be subdivided, typically into triangles, rhombi and/or hexagons; the greater the diversity of sub-facets, the more complex will be the algorithms that accomplish this. Finally, rules to map sub-facet vertices and edges to the sphere or spheroid need to be established. Edges may follow great circles, parallels or other lines; usually these are explicit transformations, but in some designs (including the one described below) at least some edges may be recursively defined and not correspond to any simple geometric curve.
As mentioned above, most DGGSs are constructed for a specific purpose, such as environmental data sampling, spatial process simulation, geospatial data indexing, planetary visualization modeling or geographic location coding. No single design serves all purposes equally well, and thus a variety of DGGSs have been proposed, each thought to be especially appropriate to some envisioned application. Geographic information science is far from yielding theories capable of specifying how to optimize DGGS design choices, and to obtain one much experimentation must take place. There is also currently a lack of methods to transform cells from a given DGGS into a different one, because in almost all cases a 1:1 mapping between their elemental facets does not exist. If we concentrate just on applications of location encoding, as we will for the remainder of this article, the non-unique mapping between elements in different DGGS implies that a facet identifying a given area in one system may map to several in another system, usually portions of several, unless the object being identified can be regarded as a dimensionless point. However, even when an entity is modeled as covering an area, it still can be characterized by some interior point for identification purposes. Dimensional collapse simplifies the name translation problem to finding a 1:1 mapping between DGGS elements in different grids, even though such operations can involve tricky geometric computations and possibly some arbitrary assumptions or rules.
The specific hierarchical location reference system being proposed here for global geocoding is called quaternary triangular mesh (QTM). This model has evolved from one designed for digital elevation modeling (Dutton 1984), subsequently recast into its current form to facilitate global spatial indexing (Dutton 1989; Goodchild, Shirin and Dutton 1991), positional data quality management (Dutton 1990, 1992, 1996), terrain modleing (Lugo and Clarke 1995) and map generalization (Dutton and Buttenfield 1993; Dutton 1999). A Ph.D. dissertation (Dutton (1998) provides an overview of QTM's development, properties and application to map generalization. To create a QTM, an octahedron is aligned to the earth with its six vertices at cardinal points, fitted to an ellipsoid describing a global datum such as WGS 84. The process of hierarchically identifying locations begins by dividing any of its eight faces at edge midpoints to define four child triangular facets, as figure 2 illustrates. This simply requires computing arithmentic averages of the latitudes and longitudes of vertices. Note that all such first-level (and higher level) facets -- although identical on the octahedron -- vary slightly in size and shape when the new vertices are projected to the spheroidal or geoidal surface (local relief, were it to be encoded on top of this, would further distort facets).1 Subdivision may be recursively repeated as many times as are needed to locate something on the ground: 10 levels of subdivision produce facets about 10 km wide, 20 levels yield 10 m across and 30 levels yield 1 cm facets. By consistently numbering the original eight faces and their children, every facet -- no matter how small -- will have a unique integer identifier (a base8 digit followed by some number of base4 digits). Longer QTM identifiers (QTMIDs) are more precise than shorter ones, as resolution improves by powers of two. A set of QTMIDs thus is equivalent to a linear quadtree (Gargantini 1982), a set of leaf node identifiers that specify the tree's branching structure by implication only. Interior nodes are not needed, as the only information needed to decode any given QTMID into coordinates that define that facet (or define a representative point for it) are:
Given these parameters and an algorithm, precise geographic coordinates of its defining triangle can be recovered from any QTMID. If the geocode represents a very small feature, it may also alias other small ones nearby if the depth of encoding is not sufficient to distinguish their locations. This could be problematic if data density varies considerably, especially when a fixed level of QTM resolution is used to geocode a large population of features. Of the above five elements, the third one is potentially most confusing. Several schemes have been proposed for numbering QTM facets, each of which produces different geocodes for a given location (Fekete 1990; Otoo and Zhu 1993; Lugo and Clarke 1995). However, all these encoding implementations traverse identical sets of triangular facets, because all align the octahedron in the same fashion (but note that while Fekete's numbering system is congruent with the author's, his trees are rooted in an icosahedron). Therefore, even if different algorithms are used to encode a given feature, a direct 1:1 mapping between the resulting geocodes exists (Fekete's model excepted, again because of its different base solid).
Figure 2 illustrates the basic structure of QTM. In 2a, an octahedron is centered on the earth's center of mass and aligned with cardinal points; its first-level facets are shown prior to being pushed toward the surface of the planet. In 2b, the first-level facets are shown in a global projection with the North Pole in the center and the South Pole at the corners; the yellow diamond is the Equator. Geocodes (QTMIDs) are shown for each of the initial 32 facets; the first digit is the octahedral face ID (octant), and the second digit is the facet ID within an octant. All facets with the same last digit are given an identical color. Note that facets whose IDs end in 0 are centrally located; subsequent subdivisions preserve this property, but permute the cyclic ordering of facets ending with 1, 2 and 3. Numbering properties are explained further below. |
The figure of the QTM grid on the globe is displayed in figure 3 (black lines), where it is overlaid on a 22.5° geographic grid (light blue lines). Although neither grid is totally uniform, the geographic grid can be seen to have more variability, as figure 1 describes quantitatively. Note that both grids follow parallels (but only the cardinal meridians are common to both). The spacing of the parallels of the QTM grid, however, is defined by the relation 90 / 2L, where L is the QTM level of detail (from 1 to c. 30), as is spacing of the longitudes that define corner points of QTM facets. Note that the shapes of facets vary from equilateral spherical triangles at the centers of octahedral faces to right spherical triangles at their corners. However, locally -- especially at higher levels of detail -- facet shape is not especially variable. This means that for locations within 1,000 km or less of one another facets are relatively uniform. |
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Because four children develop from each parent facet, the structure is a quadtree ("quaternary"). A QTMID is thus a base4 number preceded by a base8 digit, and each base4 digit requires two bits of memory to encode. Here is a QTMID from eastern North America, encoding the position 42° 23' N, 71° 10' W to about 10 km resolution:
40223012232 (QID1)
Octant 4 (the first digit) also covers the westernmost portions of Europe and Africa, southern Central America, northern South America and the Caribbean (most of Mexico, the U.S. and Canada are in octant 3). The above geocode has 10 quaternary digits; at this level of detail, QTM facet edges are about 10 km across and facets occupy 61 sqkm of area on the average. If we assign 4 bits to store the octant ID and 2 bits for each quaternary digit, this geocode could be stored or transmitted using 24 bits. By converting the identifier to binary notation, this is clear:
0100 00 10 10 11 00 01 10 10 11 10 (QID1a)
Because both binary and quaternary numbers are unfamiliar and my have a lot of digits, it makes sense to express such geocodes in a more compact way. We could express a QTMID using decimal digits, but hexadecimal notation makes more sense and is more compact:
42B1AE (QID1b)
While not many people are familiar with hex numbers, they are used to dealing with postcodes; a hex-formatted QTMID (HQTMID) looks quite a lot like postal codes used in Canada and the U.K. The resemblance, while superficial, may help to make QTMIDs less perplexing. Postcodes, while they are logically assigned and generally represent some type of spatial ordering, are not directly convertible to geographic locations, as are QTMIDs.
QTMID 40223012232 (42B1AE) includes most of the town of Belmont MA, USA, where the author lives. To further specify the particular parcel his house occupies requires roughly 10 m precision. This necessitates adding 10 more quaternary digits:
402230122320130032201 (QID2)
Producing this ID presumes the ability to locate a representative point in the parcel to within 10 meters, or about 0.3 arc-seconds. This is certainly possible with civilian GPS and remote sensing technologies. The binary version is thus:
0100 00 10 10 11 00 01 10 10 11 10 00 01 11 00 00 11 10 10 00 01 (QID2a)
Finally, the hexadecimal version of the parcel code is:
42B1AE1B3A1 (QID2b)
This geocode locates the parcel at 20-22 Payson Road (a duplex condominium on one lot), and can be coded using 44 bits. Postcode aficionados may observe that 11 hex digits take up more storage space than the 9 decimal digits used by the U.S. ZIP+4 postal codes, which are sufficient to geocode any address in that country. In response, it should be noted that:
It therefore should not come as a surprise that QTMIDs require more storage than ZIP+4 geocodes to represent a parcel. This should be apparent from the illustration of QTM referencing for the above address 40223012232 given in figure 4. In it, QTM facet boundaries are shown in red, and the largest one shown (part of facet 40, which is mainly occupied by the Atlantic ocean) extends from 0°W to 90°W at 45°N, and has a bottom apex (not shown) at 45°W, 0°N, near to the coast of Brazil. The equicylindric projection used maintains straight parallels (one edge of every QTM facet is on a parallel), but the shapes of land masses and facets are distorted, the latter due to lack of intermediate points along facet edges (the edges that do not follow parallels are piecewise continuous curves that are neither small nor great circles).
![]() |
Here is another North American QTM geocode, in Canada:
41223123202 (QID3)
This facet includes most of Ottawa, Ontario and Hull, Quebec. Ottawa is about 500 km from Belmont, Massachusetts. This is reflected by the fact that their QTMIDs differ by only one digit of the first five in their respective addresses (40223 v. 41223). Because facet 40 abuts facet 41 (by definition of the numbering scheme, facets ending in zero are always central ones of a set of four children), the two hierarchies begin as neighbors. In fact they occupy neighboring facets until QTM level 5 is reached. This can be seen in figure 5, which shows both QTM sequences together (the Ottawa hierarchy is shown in magenta).
The binary version of QTMID 41223123202 is:
0100 01 10 10 11 01 10 11 10 00 10 (QID3a)
Its hexadecimal encoding is:
46B6E2 (QID3b)
The geocode for Ottawa-Hull is based on the position given for the Ottawa Geomagnetic Observatory in its web pages: 45.403' N, 75.552' W. Assuming all digits are significant for this position, its precision indicates an accuracy of about 100 m (presumably the Observatory has a better estimate if it is part of a geodetic network). If it sits on a large enough parcel, 100 m of error would be small enough to uniquely locate the observatory, and would require 17 QTM levels of detail (c. 75 m resolution). So, to fully geocode the location 45.403°N, 75.552°W, we add seven more digits to the QTMID:
Note that all the trailing zeros are significant. Furthermore, because a facet numbered zero is always the middle one at any level, the actual location of the facet centroid does not change for the four highest levels; facet 412231232021330000 is precisely in the middle of facet 41223123202133, but just one-sixteenth as wide. Centroids of both facets would evaluate to the same latitude and longitude, but the longer QTMID documents considerably higher accuracy.
Numbering of QTM facets may seem non-intuitive but it is logical and has three-axis symmetry. As figure 5 above illustrates, all neighboring facets of the same level of detail have geocodes that differ by exactly one digit. This is true even if they fall in neighboring octants (in which case, the first digit will differ). Figure 6 illustrates the structure of the numbering system, which is entirely based on single-digit basis numbers assigned to the octahedron's vertices and facets. This is organized as follows:
When a facet is subdivided into four, a digit {0|1|2|3} is appended to its QTMID |
depending on which child facet is being occupied. |
Figure 6: How QTMIDs are assigned |
The central child facet inherits basis number 0 in all cases. The other three children are assigned the basis number of the parent vertex they touch. New vertices appear at the midpoints of facet edges (these vertices have latitudes and longitudes that are the average of those of the parent's vertices which define the edges). The basis numbers assigned to the midpoint vertices plus those of the endpoints always total 6. Therefore:
This algorithm creates the pattern of vertices shown in figure 6. The diagram displays the prototype numbering for QTM Octants 1, 3, 6 and 8 (the remaining Octants differ only in that they interchange the initial basis 2 and 3 "baseline" vertices. Coloring the unmarked vertices (level 4) is left as an exercise for the reader.
To be able to traverse any QTM-based data structure, one must have a way to identify the neighbors of a given facet (the three facets which border it, ignoring neighbors which meet at a vertex). A very fast (constant-time) way to do this was presented by Lee and Samet (1998); however, this study modeled the globe as an icosahedron (having 20 rather than 8 faces) and numbered facets differently than as described above; thus this low-level method cannot be used for O-QTM without revision. Here we describe a linear-time (with respect to the number of QTM levels of the QTMID being analyzed) traversal algorithm that is even simpler than the one given by Lee and Samet; because the algorithm does not use logical bit operations, it should be easier for the reader to understand. A C-language implementation of this algorithm, getQTMneighbors(), presented here for the first time, is listed below. Given a QTMID encoded as an array of integers (with octant ID in position 0) and its number of QTM levels (or some lesser level at which neighbors are to be identified), it computes and returns three arrays of integers respectively representing: (a) the QTMID of the facet to the north or south of the given one; (b) the QTMID of facet to the east; and (c) the QTMID of the facet to the west. The function returns TRUE if the given facet's apex points north or FALSE if it points south, in order to establish the direction of the vertical neighbor.
int getQTMneighbors(int q[], int levs, int q_v[], int q_e[], int q_w[]) /* Computes edge neighbor IDs of a given QTM facet. Returns N-S logical orientation of q. Parameters: q[]: Given QTM facet QTMID levs: Number of levels of q[] (array length-1) q_v[]: Returned QTMID of north/south neighbor q_e[]: Returned QTMID of east neighbor q_w[]: Returned QTMID of west neighbor copyright © 1999, 2000 by Geoffrey Dutton. All rights reserved. */ { int oct, d, i, upright, edge_id[3], edge_lev[3], node_id[3]; oct = q[0]; edge_id[1] = 1 + (oct+8) % 4 + (4*(oct / 5)); edge_id[2] = 1 + (oct+6) % 4 + (4*(oct / 5)); if (oct < 5) edge_id[0] = oct + 4; else edge_id[0] = oct - 4; upright = oct < 5; //orientation: TRUE if facet points to North node_id[0] = 1; if ((oct % 2) == 0) { node_id[2] = 2; node_id[1] = 3; } else { node_id[1] = 2; node_id[2] = 3; } edge_lev[0] = edge_lev[1] = edge_lev[2] = 0; //edge neighbors now defined at QTM level 0 for (i=1; i <= levs; i++) { //visit every QTM level starting from 1 d = q[i]; if (d == 0) { //central quad: all neighbors change IDs upright = !upright; //north & south flip in central quad iswap(&node_id[1], &node_id[2]); //interchange east & west node numbers edge_lev[0] = edge_lev[1] = edge_lev[2] = i; edge_id[0] = node_id[0]; //store the neighbor IDs across the 3 edges edge_id[1] = node_id[1]; edge_id[2] = node_id[2]; } else if (d == node_id[0]) { //vert quad: only vert neighbor changes ID iswap(&node_id[1], &node_id[2]); //interchange east & west node numbers edge_id[0] = 0; //Neighbor across vert edge is central edge_lev[0] = i; } else if (d == node_id[1]) { //east quad: only west neighbor changes ID iswap(&node_id[0], &node_id[2]); //interchange vert & west node numbers edge_id[1] = 0; //Neighbor across west edge is central edge_lev[1] = i; } else { //west quad: only east neighbor changes ID iswap(&node_id[0], &node_id[1]); //interchange vert & east node numbers edge_id[2] = 0; //Neighbor across east edge is central edge_lev[2] = i; } } for (i=0; i <= levs; i++) { //copy q to all 3 output IDs; q_v[i] = q_e[i] = q_w[i] = q[i]; //one digit of each will be modified } i = edge_lev[0]; //level at which vert edge last changed q_v[i] = edge_id[0]; i = edge_lev[1]; //level at which east edge last changed q_e[i] = edge_id[1]; i = edge_lev[2]; //level at which west edge last changed q_w[i] = edge_id[2]; return upright; //return the orientation of given facet q } |
The comments included above explain the logic of the procedure, which exploits the following structural properties:
Note that the QTMID arguments could be 64-bit integers rather than arrays, which would have to be parsed using bit manipulations. While this could easily be done, including such operations would obscure the essence of the method, and thus the implementation details have not been described.
A QTMID -- or any location-based geocode -- describes where something is, and possibly how large it is, but not what it is. The HQTMID 42B1AE1B3A1 could represent a parcel, or equally well a building, an intersection, a bridge or a pond. The identity of the feature could be established contextually, according to what file, column or layer it occupies in a dataset, and thus be implicit. However, such categorizations need to be transmitted along with geocodes when data are transferred if the full identities of features are intended to be made known to external data consumers. Some spatial data transfer standards, such as DIGEST, allow feature tables and codebooks to be included when encoding datasets, so that the nature of attributes and identifiers can be documented (usually via text strings or references to geocoding standards), but may not require that this be done. It would thus be helpful if location codes could be made to be self-documenting. While this involves many issues and goes beyond the scope of this paper, a few suggestions are offered below for how QTMIDs could incorporate semantic in addition to locational information.
Earlier it was stated that a 20-digit (plus octant) QTM identifier occupies 44 bits of storage. The number of bits that is needed for L levels of detail is 4+2L, if we allocate four bits to store octant IDs (three bits would do, but reserving one more bit makes certain operations simpler). In most integer-based implementations of QTM, binary numbers would be restricted to having 8, 16 or 32 bits of precision. Even 32 bits is only enough to store 14 QTM levels of detail, which would limit spatial resolution to about 600 meters; this is insufficient for general-purpose geocoding. However, newer operating systems and languages can support "long integer" (64-bit) representations and arithmetic. This permits construction of one-word QTMIDs to level 30, capable of achieving resolutions as small as one centimeter.
Other than for recording locations of survey monuments and benchmarks, one-centimeter resolution would never be needed; typically, the maximum resolution required might fall between one and ten meters, which can be represented by QTMIDs having 20 to 23 digits, respectively occupying 44 to 50 bits of storage. This implies that a 64-bit QTMID encoding would contain 14 to 20 unused bits, which might be utilized to store encoded semantic information. A way to do this, in which the encoded semantics supported map generalization operations, was proposed by the author (Dutton 1996). That article includes pseudocode illustrating how a binary QTMID might be parsed into positional and semantic portions. The approach enables a variable number of two-bit fields to be prepended, such that a 64-bit L-level QTMID could carry from zero to (28-L) two-bit "qualifiers". The less precisely a location is known (i.e., if it is uncertain or represents an extended feature), the more one might wish to qualify it; conversely, a small feature might need less qualification, for which less space would be available in any event.
With this in mind, a qualifying scheme could be designed that identifies the type of feature that a given QTMID represents, using simple integer codes to nominate feature classes (rather than series of two-bit codes as described in Dutton 1996). Lower numbers would generally identify smaller features, and other aspects of feature classification could be overlaid. Here are some hypothetical examples of this type of encoding, in which coding is limited to eight bits (only five examples are given for each):
Point Features (0-15) -- 4 bits |
Linear Features (0-63) -- 6 bits |
Area Features (0-255) -- 8 bits |
0: generic |
0: generic |
0: generic |
1: benchmark |
1: lot line |
1: shed or garage |
2: monument |
2: road section |
2: single dwelling |
3: section corner |
3: stream section |
3: attached dwelling |
4: utility pole |
4: water pipe span |
4: apartment house |
5: radio tower |
5: bridge span |
5: commercial block |
... |
... |
... |
The particular encodings shown are suggestive and illustrative only. Note that while linear features may not necessarily have smaller extents than areal features, they are given shorter codes because there tend to be fewer categories of them. In order to parse such a qualifier, a two-bit code would need to precede it to indicate its topological type. This would allow the decoder to determine the number of bits its category requires (using some agreed-upon rule) using the following interpretation:
00 No Qualifier 0 bits follow 01 Point Qualifier 4 bits follow 10 Line Qualifier 6 bits follow 11 Area Qualifier 8 bits follow
Thus the first two bits (always present) will indicate to the recipient how much space qualifiers use in the word, and thus what portion of it should be interpreted as a QTMID. Area qualifiers could be segmented into classes for physical, political, administrative, cadastral and other features, allowing coincident/contained features to be identified without ambiguity. Using such qualifiers has drawbacks, of course. The main one is that a codebook (dictionary) is required in order to properly interpret the nominal codes, which might not be available to or agreed upon by all potential users of the data. However, the qualifying portion of an identifier can always be ignored if it cannot be understood, the location can still be retrieved, and the entire 64-bit identifier should still be unique in any event. Indeed, in some situations uniqueness is more important than interpretability.
In the above example the largest semantic codes require ten (2 + 8) bits out of 64, leaving 54 bits available for QTMIDs. Such identifiers code locations to about 15 cm on the ground. Were four additional bits given over to qualifiers (making them occupy 8, 10 and 12 bits, respectively, plus two), 50 bits would remain for coding QTMIDs, providing a ground resolution of about one meter. Using twelve-bit qualfiers enables 4,096 distinct categories to be nominated, which should be sufficient for almost any geocoding application.2 Note that a given QTMID need not fill the available bits (i.e., does not need to be as long as possible). As long as the QTMIDs are right-justified in each word, they can be parsed properly simply by ignoring all zero bits that occur between the qualifier portion and the QTMID portion of a geocode (because octant codes are never zero). This means that no assumption about the precision of QTMIDs are needed other than their maximium possible length. Therefore features of a given type (e.g., single dwellings) can vary considerably in size and still be encoded to reflect the area they occupy. Such flexibility is useful in handling changes in feature density within and between regions. However, software that creates and references geocodes needs to be able to cope with this, and database fields storing identifiers must not be designed assuming one size (of geocode) fits all (features).
Beyond unambiguously identifying geographic features, location-based geocodes can also be used as spatial indexes. The basic function of a spatial index is to organize spatial objects in computer memory such that they can be inserted, deleted, modified and queried rapidly. A second one is to facilitate identification of neighboring or nearby objects without resorting to global search methods. Topological (arc-node-polygon) encoding -- although it does not in itself define a linear address space -- does serve the latter function, because connected objects name one another and thus can be efficiently traversed. QTM works well as a spatial index, because features that are close to one another on the ground are usually stored close together in memory when QTMIDs are used to order observations in an address space (see Dutton 1998, appendix E for evidence of this). Also, like any regular grid, QTM has an implicit topology that defines neighborhood relations; this is exploited by the function getQTMneighbors() described above.
While QTMIDs represent triangular regions, they can readily be used to encode point locations to high precision if a sufficient level of detail is used. What "sufficient" means is contextual, and includes: size and compactness of the feature being encoded; accuracy and precision of the coordinates that locate it, and the levels of accuracy and precision required by applications that use the geocodes.3 Obviously all geographic features take up space; encoding them as points does not convey their actual extents and shapes, even though their approximate size can be indicated by choosing a level of detail to encode objects having facets roughly the same area as the features themselves. This approach will result in QTMIDs that vary in length; this will add complexity to parsing identifiers, but the flexibility achieved is well worth the effort.
Spatial indexes should facilitate spatial joins, such as when determining regions where two features overlap in space. Creating spatial indexes for extended (non-point) objects is more complicated than assigning an identifier to a representative point such as an area centroid, even if the identifiers are hierarchical. Computational structures such as strip trees, range trees and R-trees are often used for such purposes. Most of these maintain sets of rectangles using data structures that usually enable insertion, deletion, updating and query for intersection. Can analogous mechanisms be designed for handling queries about QTM-encoded extended objects? The answer is a qualified "yes," qualified because QTM is a space-primary rather than an object-primary decomposition; therefore for indexing purposes the representation of objects needs to relate to QTM's spatial structure. This can be achieved by describing aggregates of QTM facets that features span, preferably as higher-order entities having regular, convex footprints. Associations of neighboring quadrants can help to overcome the "major edge" limitations of simple quadtree encoding schemes, to better handle instances where features happen to span quadrants at gross levels of decomposition. An approach to organizing such aggregate regions is described in Dutton (1996, 1998).
Location coding is hampered by reliance on local coordinate systems and nomenclatures. Current practice impedes development and adoption of universal methods to assign meaningful and unambiguous identifiers to geographic entities. This in turn creates barriers to interoperability of geographic databases, because different organizations, nations and map zones may code location identifiers in non-compatible ways, which tend to be documented in nonstandard formats, if at all. This paper has described a universal method for producing location identifiers of geographic objects that does not depend on cultural or local conventions. It can be extended to the level of encoding digital point coordinates to enable scale-specific description, retrieval, analysis and display of map features (Dutton 1998). Applications that can benefit from universal geocoding include intelligent vehicle systems (IVS), national and regional land information systems (LIS), emergency response and dispatch systems, military intelligence, command and control systems, and many ordinary GIS applications where geodata may derive or be integrated from distributed sources. The approach described here, octahedral-based quaternary triangular mesh, is one of a family of polyhedron-based models for encoding terrestrial locations hierarchically. Despite using various geometries and numerologies, all such systems enable construction of globally unique geocodes based on location alone. In certain cases the geocodes they produce can be translated between models, but it would serve data users and vendors better if one system or another were to be adopted as a geocoding standard. This would especially benefit climate and other global environmental researchers who are increasingly turning to small-area data to build and calibrate their models. While many of these activities rely primarily on remotely-sensed data, RS data interpretations often depend on ancillary geodata collected at large scales across political and administrative boundaries. Many diverse application areas can be served by such identifiers, for example archeological site inventories; each object (or set of fragments) discovered in a dig can be assigned a location code that encodes sub-meter coordinates along with information about the level or depth at which it was unearthed. Even though geocoding is a well-practiced art that has not received a great deal of attention in recent years, it may be worth revisiting the topic to see how the expressive power of location identifiers -- and thus the semantic content and interoperability of geodata -- can be improved.
While existing GIS and LIS software and databases are clumsy in handling QTM-style identifiers, and often assume that the world is flat, these are technical details that require little new research to overcome even though making the necessary software modifications will require considerable and concerted efforts. More difficicult is dealing with the potential for datum shifts that DGGS encoding may induce. At a minimum, this requires metadata fully describing coordinate reference systems for source data coordinates, as well as appropriate and accurate transformation functions to map them to a common geocentric system and back again. The greatest potential impediment to implementing a universal geocoding system, however, is cultural. First, one encounters a general resistance to standardizing coding of geographic features. Some basis for this is bureaucratic, but it is also rooted in the diverse ways in which people construct and interpret reality, including culturally-specific cartographic traditions and conventions. Second, existing and emerging standards for geospatial data interchange (including metadata standards) generally do not accommodate hierarchical, variable-length or binary-coded identifiers, although many do enable coordinate reference systems to be documented. Influencing standards-making bodies to consider supporting such geocoding formats and users to understand their nature and roles will take much time, effort and patience. It is hoped that this article will trigger discusion of such possibilities, as well as stimulating debate on the desirability, utility and practicality of the approach to geocoding described in it.
1 To relate the latitudes and longitudes of facet vertices to particular geodetic reference systems, it may be necessary to consider the ellipsoidal datum used in specific countries or regions. QTM itself is designed to be geocentric and planetary in scope, and thus should use a global geodetic reference system such as GRS 80. However, latitudes to be encoded by QTM from different sources may refer to different ellipsoids, and would thus require preprocessing to cast them into a geocentric system, and inverse postprocessing may be needed when decoding coordinates from QTM.
2 Rather than expanding the number of categories, the four additional bits might be used to store sequence numbers from 0-15; these could be used to identify sub-partitions such as sets of ponds or condominium units.
3 Using QTM encoding to represent shape points in vector map data is potentially very useful for both indicating the positional accuracy of source data and for generalizing its representation for display at coarser scales. This approach to scale-specific vector data handling has been explored and cartographic results demonstrated by Dutton (1998, 1999).
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