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Connections to Cartography and Geoprocessing

In designing this site, we have tried to organize its contents to be accessible and understandable. Rather than littering our narratives with hyperlinks -- which can get distracting -- we've organized things in contextual ways and tried to collect related topics together and index major ones within each page or set of related ones. This page and the ones it leads to reach out to the outside world in various ways. You can access a catalog of geoprocessing-related web links, find discussion lists and online forums, discover the world of web rings and help us build some.

  Useful Cartography and Geoprocessing WWW Resources (100+ hyperlinks and growing)

  Add a web link (leave a connection to your or another geoprocessing-related site)

  Global Grids: Issues and Applications (a LUSENET discussion group devoted to the types, and details of geometric planetary meshes and their potential utility to geoprocessing tasks)

Description: This discussion aims at drawing out people who have interest in modeling the earth's surface using geometric tiling schemes other than latitude and longitude, for spatial analysis, spatial indexing, location encoding, environmental sampling, cartography, terrain modeling, data compression and other purposes. We'd like to be able to compare and contrast approaches and eventually organize meetings on global grids.

  An Introduction to Web Rings (mechanisms to facilitate collaboration on the web)

  Geoprocessing and Cartography HyperGlossary (linked definitions of common and not-so-common terms)

  Contact Spatial Effects (ask us a question, react to something, tell us your needs)

Some initial comments on this web site and its contents (to which you can add your own)

>I don't think you should rule out the coffee mugs and t-shirts so soon. --F.B. 6/1/99
>Enjoyed your graphics and layout. Pleasant and refreshing mix of art and science.
>--V.N. 6/1/99
>Hooo ... wow, cool site! That must have cost you a lot of time to get it that huge 
>and rich! (I know where I'll get my next inspirations for web design!) --B.S. 6/8/99
>I do contract work for assorted vendors in the industry, and I am interested
>in promoting various standards such as OpenGIS, SDTS, GeoTIFF with free 
>software implementations in the hopes of resolving some of the format level
>interoperability problems that exist today. Better semantics translation is
>something that can be built on top, I hope. --F.W. 6/8/99
>I've just been looking at your web site (a cursory look at this point) and it is 
>amazing! So much information, but so well laid-out, and very aesthetically pleasing. 
>--J.A. 6/9/99
>The opening page is silly. --D.M. 6/9/99
>I'm certain that you think you have a lovely website but for people using our 
>disabled computing facility, it's absolutely unusable. Since it's pretty clear 
>that your Webmaster doesn't understand about making the site usable for people 
>in this situation, if you'll let the Webmaster know my email address, I'll point 
>him/her to several sites that provide specifications for making websites user-
>friendly to these people. --V.H. 6/10/99

If you would like to leave a public comment or read those of others, please click here.

